Coit Primary School

World Book Day 2023

Friday 24 Feb 2023 14:33pm

On Friday 3rd March, we will be celebrating ‘World Book Day’ across school.

This year, our theme for the event at Coit is ‘The Power of Words’. Therefore, we are wanting all of the activities on the day to be centred around developing children’s interest in words as well as their love of reading. During the day we will do lots of activities to celebrate these words and share with others.

We appreciate that this is a difficult time for many people so we have decided to keep the day simple. We would like children to send a photo of themselves reading their favourite book in an unusual place. For example, you may want to read in a den, under a table, at a supermarket or on a swing. These can be emailed to your class teacher if you wish. The staff at Coit will be joining in too!  Your child is welcome to dress up if they would like.

As part of World Book Day, each child will receive a World Book Day £1 token, which can be redeemed from 16th February-26th March 2023 at any local bookshops.  The £1 book tokens can be swapped for one of the exclusive, new and completely FREE World Book Day books available from participating booksellers or used to get £1 off any full price book or audiobook instead. For a full list of the FREE books, please go to

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or Mr Watson.

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