Coit Primary School
Our Values and Ethos

To value diversity
Where individual children are understood, valued and accepted for who they are, irrespective of culture, faith, heritage, gender or disability. Where they are cared for unreservedly and their individual needs met in full with a harmonious learning community.
To enjoy and achieve
For all children to be given the opportunity to experience success and pursue excellence, facilitated by teachers who excel in their knowledge and expertise.
To work in partnership
Welcoming parents and the wider community with staff who are friendly, approachable, professional and supportive of each other. Where effective communication is the key to success.
To make a positive contribution
Through a sense of belonging, children are given the knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence to play their part within a democratic society whilst following the rule of law. They understand their personal responsibilities and make the right choices.
To stay safe and secure
From any kind of harm within a relaxed, calm environment that is clean, tidy and stimulating.
To be happy
For the physical and mental well-being of children to be of paramount importance. Where staff take time to listen without interruption, treat children fairly and foster a sense of mutual respect, consideration and dignity for themselves and other people.
To achieve economic well-being
To empower all children for their future lives in order that they make informed judgement and take effective decisions regarding the use and management of money, irrespective of whether they come from high or low income families.
British values
For more information on how Coit promotes British values
click here