Coit Primary School


The curriculum is effectively what we do in school. It consists of our aims, schemes and programmes of work to help your child to learn and to deliver the National Curriculum at the appropriate level for each year group. We aim to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, which promotes the development of the whole child. Whilst the teaching and learning of Numeracy and Literacy is a crucial part of everyday learning, the social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of every child, is also a key part of our skills based curriculum which focuses on transferable skills within learning.

The National Curriculum provides us with a curriculum which we use as a framework for planning meaningful activities to meet the needs of individual children. From this framework, each year group develop themes through which subjects are taught. From Superheros to Ancient Worlds, each theme gives pupils a context to learn which is pupil led, fun and motivating.

Please contact J Eagleton for further information about the curriculum information.


Curriculum Planning

Curriculum planning by subject

Long Term Planning by Year Group

Recommended Books

To support changes week

'What's Happening to Me?: Boy' by Alex Frith
'What's Happening to Me?: Girl' by Alex Frith