Coit Primary School

Pupil Premium Strategy

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is funding given to schools to help to support disadvantaged pupils, and to help to close the gap in attainment between these pupils and their peers. It is allocated to schools for every pupil who has been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years, and for children looked after or adopted, special guardianship, residence order and children of Service Personnel. 

The recovery premium started in 2021-2022 provided additional funding for state-funded schools following the pandemic. Building on the pupil premium, this funding aimed to help schools to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils. We received £145 per pupil premium.

In the 2021-2022 academic year we received an additional £48 350 4(including Recovery Premium)

In the 2022-2023 academic year we received an additional £46 028 (including Recovery Premium)

In the 2023-2024 academic year we predict that we will receive £45 755 Pupil Premium grant alone.

In the 2024-2025 academic year we predict that we will receive £50,970 Pupil Premium grant


In September 2021, 15.5% of pupils were eligible for Pupil Premium.

In September 2022, 15.5% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium.

In September 2023, 16% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium.

In September 2024, 16% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium

For 2022-2023 schools received £1 385 per Pupil Premium student, £2 410 per pupil who has been adopted from care or has left care or who is looked after by the authority. Schools also received £320 per service child.

For 2023-2024 school will receive £1 455 per Pupil Premium Student, £2 530 per pupil who has been adopted from care or who has left care or who is looked after by the authority. Schools also receive £335 per service child.

For 2024-2025 school will receive £1 480 per Pupil Premium Student, £2 570 per pupil who has been adopted from care or who has left care or who is looked after by the authority. Schools also receive £340 per service child.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. 

At Coit Primary School, we are committed to closing the attainment gap between our disadvantaged pupils and their peers, and we hope to do this by ensuring that all our pupils get access to an engaging and inspiring curriculum, the best teaching and learning, and targeted support based on best practice highlighted in the Teaching and Learning Toolkit. 

To find out more details on Pupil Premium, please click here.

To view our Pupil Premium Policy, please click here.

To find out more information on whether you are eligible for Free School meals please click here

Please note that, due to DfE updated guidance on 6th September 2021, a new 3 year pupil premium strategy has been written (2024-2027) and can be found here along with the effectiveness of the expenditure 2023-2024.