Coit Primary School

Year 2 Class Blog Summer 2

Monday 30 May 2022 07:19am

This year is flying by and we are still amazed by the hardwork and effort being shown by Year 2. We have lots planned this half term and we are looking forward to finishing the year on a high. We really enjoyed having the opportunity to share the chidlren's books with you last half term and it was lovely having family members in school to help us celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. 

Dates to remember-

21.6.22 Sam Safari 

30.6.22 Chapeltown Library visit

14.7.22 Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet trip

 A reminder that reading books need to be returned every Thursday, spellings are tested on Mondays and home learning needs to be returned via email every Wednesday (

Finally, we would just like to say a huge thank you for your continued support and hardwork at home. We are so proud of the progress the children have made this year and it has been a pleasure watching them grow and mature as they prepare for key stage 2.

Miss Fenlon and Mrs Hancox


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