Welcome to Y4!

Wednesday 01 Sep 2021 12:14pm

Welcome to Year 4! Miss Kennedy and I are looking forward to a busy, exciting and hard-working year with you all.

Autumn 1 will be all about food. In geography, we will be exploring where in the world our food comes from and in science we will be finding out what happens to our food once we have eaten it.

Our class book this term will be George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We will use this to inspire our writing, which will include: weird and wonderful poetry, diary entries and instructions for recipes.

As artists, we will be focusing on the pop art movement and the work of Andy Warhol. We will be using his style to generate our own versions of popular food brand logos both by hand and using computers.

Swimming will take place every Tuesday afternoon, beginning on Tuesday 7th September, and PE lessons will be on Friday afternoons. Please make sure the children wear the appropriate kit to school on these days; they should wear their swimming kit underneath PE/sports clothing on Tuesdays where possible.

Please encourage your children to practise their times tables as often as they can – even five minutes on Times Tables Rockstars will make a huge difference! Equally, please take the time to read with your child (every day if possible) – exposure to a range of different texts (stories, newspapers, non-fiction books etc.) will be really beneficial.

I look forward to getting to know everybody, learning lots and having plenty of fun along the way.

Mr Hayes

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