Autumn 2 Year 2

Tuesday 02 Nov 2021 10:10am

Welcome back after what we hope has been a restful but fun half term holiday. We are certainly ready and raring to go and are so excited to begin our new topic which is all about the 'Titanic'.

We finished last half term on a real high with a visit to Thorncliffe, where we took part in a football tournament. It was super to see the children applying new skills and working as part of a team.

A big focus for this half term will be spelling and reading high frequency words and we will attach a copy of these to Google Classroom so you can support your child at home as well.

We wil also be working hard to improve our handwriting skills, so that both the content and the presentation of our writing is the best it can be. 

PE days will continue to be on Tuesday and Friday and home learning will be given out on Wednesday and needs to returned the following Wednesday as normal. Spellings will continue to be tested every Monday.

As always, thank you for your continued support. 

The Year 2 team


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