Year 2 Spring 1

Sunday 02 Jan 2022 08:10am

Welcome back Year2!

We wish you and your families a very happy and healthy new year and we are certainly ready to start 2022 with some super learning. After a very busy half term learning about 'The Titanic' and exploring and comparing various versions of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', we are excited to start our new history topic 'The Great Fire of London'. Alongside this topic, we are going to learn about Great Britain and the city of London using various fiction and non-fiction texts as well as exploring atlases, which is something we enjoyed doing last half term. 

As always, we are continuing to work on the presentation of our handwriting and in particular ensuring our capital letters are formed correctly and that we are writing using clear descenders (g, p, q, y, j)  and ascenders (l,k,h,t,d,b). In maths, we will continue to deepen our quick recall of number facts within 20 and finding fractions of numbers and amounts as well as embedding our application of the four operations.

PE days will continue to be on Tuesday and Friday and children are asked to attend school on these days in their PE kit. Reading and maths home learning will be on Google Classroom every Wednesday and is to be returned via email the following Wednesday. This half term's spelling booklet is on Google Classroom and the children will be tested every Monday.

Many thanks for your continued support

Miss Fenlon and Mrs Hancox




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