Sunday 20 Feb 2022 07:00am
Welcome back Year 2! We are excited to see you after what we hope has been a fun half term holiday.
This half term we are continuing with our 'Great Fire of London' topic and we know you will be pleased about this as you are all super historians. Can you recall some of the facts you learnt last half term?
We will be working hard to improve our handwriting to ensure that we are using clear capital letters and ascenders and descenders. We will also be working hard to practise our arithmetic skills and applying our maths knowledge to solve reasoning problems. Examples of these will be sent home for home learning too.
Our PE days will remain on a Tuesday and Wednesday, so please come to school in your PE kit on these days with long hair tied back.
Home learning will be sent out every Wednesday and will need to be returned via class email the following Wednesday. Spellings will be tested every Monday as usual.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Miss Fenlon and Mrs Hancox
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